Project Description
St Pancras Station
External envelope renovations were necessary to preserve and protect the building. The work carried out by Vogue Development Co (Kent) Ltd included the entire window overhaul and repairs, cutting away decayed and water damaged sections of the existing insitu wall plate and piecing and scaring in new structural roof timbers.
- Structural resin repairs using carbon fibre rods.
- Resin repairs to Shakes and Fissures to structural elements of the tower.
- Removal of sarking board to replace decayed roof timbers, and re-instatement of existing and fitting of new boards.
- Re-building timber spires to the turrets.
The reformation, off site, of a formerly fire damaged roof including forming large morticed and tennon joints to heavy roof timbers, beams, struts and posts, bringing to site and re-assembling into position.
Forming cappings to the existing chimneys and building new iroko duck boards into gutters.